Picture of The Menopause Specialist

The Belly Buster Method

The Natural Menopause Weight Loss Programme

In just 6 weeks you'll walk away with the knowledge and tools to consistently lose weight & belly fat , without restrictive dieting or excessive exercising.

The Belly Buster Method

The Natural Menopause Weight Loss Programme

In just 6 weeks you'll walk away with the knowledge and tools to consistently lose weight & belly fat , without restrictive dieting or excessive exercising.

Say Hello to Effortless Weight Loss...

You're a strong, motivated, woman who loves to live life to the full!

You care about your body and your health...

And you care about how your body looks and feels to you!

Say Hello to Effortless Weight Loss...

You're a strong, motivated, woman who loves to live life to the full!

You care about your body and your health...

And you care about how your body looks and feels to you!

But, over the last few years...

But, over the last few years...

  • Weight loss has become a huge struggle!

  • What once just required you to watch what you ate and increase your exercise a bit... no longer works!

  • No matter how careful you are, or how little you eat, the weight either stays the same, or worse, increases!

  • You've tried ALL the diets (or at least a few of them), but you're left feeling despondent, disappointed (and hungry!).

  • You've tried increasing your cardio exercise to try to burn more calories, but you wonder if that's actually making things worse!

  • Nothing you do seems to make any difference. And you’re worried that you’ll never be able to shift any weight again, and this is now it for the rest of your life!

If you were to admit it

to yourself...

...it feels like you're on a road to nowhere and that you may as well give up and admit defeat instead!

And if something doesn't change? You worry what effect this weight gain might be having on your health, too!

If you were to admit it to yourself...

...it feels like you're on a road to nowhere and that you may as well give up and admit defeat instead!

And if something doesn't change? You worry what effect this weight gain might be having on your health, too!


  • What if...you were able to eat enough, without ever feeling hungry, and STILL lose pounds in the process

  • What if...you were able to effortlessly lose weight, without having to pound the streets running, or without hours spent at the gym each week

  • What if...you could ditch the guilt that you feel every time you have a piece of cake or a glass of wine

  • What if…you could finally actually fit back into your wardrobe of clothes that you have kept in the hope that you might one day fit back into them!

  • What if…you no longer had your weight constantly on your mind, making you feel fed up and stressed!

....WITHOUT having to starve yourself, count every calorie, miss out on meals, or push yourself to the limit with cardio!

....WITHOUT having to use meds you don’t want (or trust will help), a zillion random supplements or end your social life forever?

Here's The Problem...

  • Weight loss (especially during menopause) is SO confusing! Every day there is a new 'perfect' diet approach that everyone is doing and you wonder if this will help (but deep down know it probably won’t!)

  • You're already doing everything you can think of!... eating healthily, taking expensive supplements, pushing yourself to exercise (even if it doesn't seem to be helping...)

  • Sadly, most of the advice for weight loss comes from corporate companies who don't really care if you succeed or not, and whose approaches aren't based on science and how the body actually works... especially the MENOPAUSAL woman's body!

  • Whilst most fitness professionals and PT's recommend generic macro counting which doesn't take into account your menopausal changing metabolism and is taken from research that is done on men and not women (and women are not just tiny men!)

  • Fad diets that promise quick weight loss with minimal effort are never sustainable and can be harmful to overall health. These diets typically eliminate entire food groups or promote unrealistic eating patterns, which are impossible to maintain long-term!

Eventually, a lot of women just give up and accept that they are just getting older or that it’s just part of menopause and that’s just how it has to be from now on.

And it’s understandable right? when you spend your life trying to 'be good,' avoid the puddings and wine, eat salads for lunch, and thrash yourself at the gym... and you're STILL not losing an ounce!

I'm here to tell you that

it's NOT futile!

And that... there is

another way!

As a woman going through perimenopause myself, and having worked with hundreds of women over 40, who desperately wanted to lose weight, I am a seasoned professional when it comes to helping women who really want to look and feel like their old selves again.

But my approach is VERY DIFFERENT to most weight loss 'experts!'

I share a proven method that focuses on WHY your metabolism has slowed down and WHY you can't shift those excess pounds, and gives you the tools to not just shift your unwanted pounds, but keep them off too!

The right method doesn't just show you what is happening in your peri/menopausal body, it also :

  • Gives you a fail proof system to follow. No risk of going off track

  • Helps you stay accountable so that you do the things that need to be done

  • Answers all your questions as you work through the method so you can't go wrong

  • Gives you flexibility to enjoy the foods and cuisines you love, and not have to give up your favourite things like the odd glass of wine or a bar of chocolate! [Hell, I even advocate a bit of daily dark chocolate!]

  • Helps to improve your sleep, your skin and your energy levels because it is about health and nourishment, not restriction

The Biggest Mistakes Women Over 40

Make When Trying to Lose Weight...

When women in their peri/menopause try to lose weight, they try all of the things that they may have appeared to work in the past.

They try:

  • Cutting down their calories to 1200 a day

  • They try to cut down on foods with higher amounts of fat

  • They cut out carbohydrates all together

  • They increase their cardio exercise like running or spin

The Belly Buster Method has helped hundreds of busy, driven women rev up their metabolism, move out of fat-storing into fat-burning mode , and finally start to lose the pounds again...

...so they can get back to doing ALL the things that they enjoy, and stop constantly thinking about their weight!

The Belly Buster Method has helped hundreds of busy, driven women rev up their metabolism, move out of fat-storing into fat-burning mode, and finally start to lose the pounds again...

...so they can get back to doing ALL the things that they enjoy, and stop constantly thinking about their weight!

What Past Clients Have Said...

What Past Clients

Have Said...

My main goal was to lose a little weight that had been building up over the past year. I'd tried many fad diets but just found them unsustainable. I had bought many books but really didn't know where to start.

From day one I had a clear eating plan and felt very enthused to give it a go. I was amazed that I was actually eating more and didn't feel like I was being deprived as I had on previous attempts. What I didn't appreciate is how much better I would feel in my self. I found Vee to be knowledgeable and professional. I lost the weight I wanted, with many people commenting on how well I looked. It has also changed the way I feed my family, all for the better.

~ Tracey James

Surrey, UK

"Thank you very much Vanessa, I feel so much better and more motivated after completing The Belly Buster Method! Determined to make this my new lifestyle and get my “bikini body” by September for my holiday!

My clothes all fit better and I’ve lost 6lbs! For me this was primarily about dropping belly fat and trying to reduce my blood glucose to get out of the pre diabetes range. Great news! Blood glucose down to 4.8, no longer pre diabetic! 8 weeks of mindful eating is all it took! Thanks for all your help, I will continue with this lifestyle x "

~ Maria Bee

Croydon, UK

"After hitting menopause, I have struggled with weight loss, no matter what I tried.  In desperation I decided to work with Vanessa and try mineral testing. The results were surprising! ⁣

Vanessa came up with a protocol based on my metabolic type, very different to what I had been doing. ⁣⁣The results have been amazing! I started at 69.4 kilos, and just 6 weeks later, I was 66.3 kilos (having not been able to lose an ounce!).

I also have noticed my energy is better and my moods have improved. Sleep is also improving. I am looking forward to seeing how my minerals have changed when we do another test after 3 months.

~ Anita Washbourn

Surrey, UK

I went on Vee’s programme and it was a huge eye opener and a great transformation journey all together. I learnt so much about food, health, good and bad habits and about myself as well!

Not only did I lose weight but the learnings I got are learnings for life making my weight loss and healthy eating journey truly sustainable. I am hugely excited about this journey and would recommend this programme to anyone wanting to learn about healthy eating, sustainable weight loss and food in general! Thanks Vee!

~ Penelope Bellegarde

London, UK

I have lost almost a stone in weight and 10 inches overall from my waist hips and boobs. I am also more aware of the negative effect of alcohol on my sleep and have cut this down massively.

I didn’t expect to make this change but my sleep has improved through this too and has eliminated my night sweats.

~ Rachael Bantin

Surrey, UK

I have lost a stone! Last time I checked I'd lost over 4 inches from my waist, it could well be more now! I had to buy new belts for my jeans as the old ones were way too big.

I have much healthier meals, I feel lighter. I have tons more energy, a clearer head, I feel happier and my time of the month comes and goes without a lot of pain or discomfort now, which I cannot believe was being so affected by the food I was eating.

~ Teresa Palmer

Nottingham, UK


The 6 week programme that shows you how to consistently and effortlessly lose stubborn weight and belly fat (without restrictive diets, starving yourself or excessive exercise regimes!).


The 6 week programme that shows you how to consistently and effortlessly lose stubborn weight and belly fat (without restrictive diets, starving yourself or excessive exercise regimes!).

Why This Programme

Is Different...

Most weight loss courses are generic, one size fits all, and are not geared towards the nuances of the changing and slowing down body of a menopausal woman.

They tend to focus on approaches that are restrictive in some way or another, either cutting down on calories, cutting out fats, cutting out carbs, or something else equally unsustainable.

The Belly Buster Method first of all (through masterclasses) explains why you are struggling with weight loss resistance, and then walks you through an easy to follow method. This simple method helps you achieve long-term sustainable weight loss. This is NOT a crash diet, quick fix, which inevitably ends up with weight rebounding!

Most weight loss courses are generic, one size fits all, and are not geared towards the nuances of the changing and slowing down body of a menopausal woman.

They tend to focus on approaches that are restrictive in some way or another, either cutting down on calories, cutting out fats, cutting out carbs, or something else equally unsustainable.

The Belly Buster Method
first of all (through masterclasses) explains why you are struggling with weight loss resistance, and then walks you through an easy to follow method. This simple method helps you achieve long-term sustainable weight loss

. This is NOT a crash diet, quick fix, which inevitably ends up with weight rebounding!

Why I'm Different

  • I've spent the last 5 years dedicated to working with women over 40, to help them reverse the symptoms of a slowing down body... including weight loss resistance (AKA stubborn weight!).

  • I'm a fully qualified and registered Nutritional Therapist, and have done and continue to do hundreds of hours of ongoing training so that I stay up to speed on the latest developments when it comes to women and menopausal health. I know my stuff!

  • I've helped over 300 women, just like you, to speed up their slowing down bodies.

  • My method works! Just read the testimonials below from clients, to see for yourself.

  • I'll teach you what you need to know and explain how to implement it in an easy to follow way, so you don't feel overwhelmed. Step by step.

How it Works

When you enrol in The Belly Buster Method, you'll get instant access to the training that guides you through the process required to shift the body from fat storage to fat release.

There are three steps (modules) to work through, each starting with a detailed recorded MasterClass to teach you the method, with real life examples,

You'll get all the supporting information and tools you need to help you get results, including lots of delicious mix & match recipes to get you started and help you stay on track.

You'll be able to ask me any questions you have about the programme, in the comments section of each lesson!

Because, you've wasted enough time trying to work things out yourself, I have given you all the tools you need, and a step by step process to follow to get results as quickly and as painlessly as possible!

Here's what you'll find once you're inside The Belly Buster Method:

STEP 1: Understanding Your Changing Menopausal Body...

In this foundational module, you are going to discover the truth behind your changing body after 40, as you head into perimenopause and menopause. We'll find out how and why hormones impact on your ability to lose weight, where once it may have been easy, and which key hormones are involved. You'll discover why so many suddenly find themselves with an unwanted ring of belly fat around the middle.

Be prepared to unlearn what you think you know.

I'll be sharing everything you need to know so you can quickly and permanently start losing the unwanted pounds and belly ring.

Following the masterclass, you will work through a series of actions, to help you understand your own changing body, and assess where you are at now, and what you personally need to do to get you back on the road to body fat burning mode!

STEP 2: Solving the Peri + Menopausal Weight Puzzle...

The Solution to Belly Fat and Weight Gain after 40! Module 2 is where the rubber meets the road, and we go from the 'understanding' to the 'doing.'

You'll be introduced to the proven method that I have shared with hundreds of women, to help them get rid of excess weight and belly fat, without restricted eating, dieting or excessive exercise.

After the masterclass, you'll have a much clearer understanding of what to do from a nutrition and lifestyle perspective, plus you'll get access to the menu plans and recipe books to help you get started right away, and stay on track well after the programme has ended.

STEP 3: The Missing Pieces of The Menopause Weight Puzzle...

Module 3 is where you'll be introduced to the other areas that can impact on your ability to lose belly fat and overall weight. Nutrition and what you eat are hugely important, but it's not the complete picture.

We'll dive into the other important factors that need to be considered if the body is going to feel safe to release fat, and then as before, you'll have a small amount of 'homework' to do, to implement and embed your learnings.

Who Is This Programme For?

  • Busy professional/career/business women, and homemakers, who are in their 40s, 50s or 60s, and in the throws of perimenopause or post menopause

  • Women who are looking for a holistic solution to solving their weight gain issues, belly fat or snail's pace metabolism, that is based on science.

  • Women who are looking for a long-term solution to their weight loss issues

  • Women interested in their health as well as their weight gain

Who Is This Programme For?

  • Busy professional/career/business women, and homemakers, who are in their 40s, 50s or 60s, and in the throws of perimenopause or post menopause

  • Women who are looking for a holistic solution to solving their weight gain issues, belly fat or snail's pace metabolism, that is based on science.

  • Women who are looking for a long-term solution to their weight loss issues

  • Women interested in their health as well as their weight gain

Who Is This Programme NOT For?

  • Women who are looking for a quick fix and rapid crash-diet style weight loss. Sustainable, long-term, healthy weight loss does not happen by losing half a stone in a week!

  • Women who are looking for drugs or prescriptions to speed up their weight loss (I’m not a licensed doctor, so I can’t, and don’t wish to, prescribe drugs).

  • Women who aren’t usually action takers. It’s understandable if your motivation has temporarily gone, but you do need to follow the advice and recommendations if you want to get results

  • Women who are fixated on weight loss and what the scales say. Weight loss is not a linear process, and weight fluctuates from week to week, especially if you are still having a regular cycle. I discourage regular weighing in favour of measurements, how your clothes feel and how YOU feel!

If you want to experience steady, long term weight loss AND feel the effects of better energy, deeper more restful sleep, and better moods, then The Belly Buster Method

is the perfect place for you to start!

If you want to experience steady, long term weight loss AND feel the effects of better energy, deeper more restful sleep, and better moods, then The Belly Buster Method is the perfect place for you to start!

Let's re-cap on what you get when you join

The Belly Buster Method

  • The Belly Buster Method course - with modular step by step content, each with a masterclass to watch and learn and followed by 'homework' so that you can implement the tips and advice after each class.

  • Unlimited Q&A support. You can ask questions for each lesson, whenever you like, and I will answer them for you, so you are never left wondering what to do next, or with burning questions that need answering

  • Lifetime access to the course, so you can re-visit it whenever you feel the desire.


  • Delicious, family-friendly and easy to make recipes to follow

  • How to calculate your personal Daily Caloric Intake (to make sure you are eating enough to lose weight, but not too much!)

  • How to read food labels lesson, to help you make better choices when you are out and about or doing your weekly shop!

Are you ready to leave frustrating fat loss resistance and a snail's pace metabolism behind, and start experiencing effortless and enjoyable weight loss with The Belly Buster Method?

Let’s ditch the restrictive, depressing diets and the excessive exercise behind, once and for all, and do this the RIGHT way!

There are two payment option, 'Pay In Full' or Split monthly payments over 3 months
No products available

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there certain foods I have to eat, or have to avoid on this programme?

The recipes are created to make things as easy as possible but there are no 'set' things you have to eat. This programme teaches principles of how to eat to efficiently, gently but effectively to balance your blood sugar, reverse insulin resistance and lose body fat during the peri/menopause years. It is not a 'diet.' There are no foods that you HAVE to eat. There are some that it is advised to remove or cut down on but the choice will always be yours.

Are the meals family friendly and do they take a long time to cook?

There are many family friendly suggestions/recipes, and most meals can be prepared in 20 to 30 minutes.

How quickly will I see results?

For many, you'll see results very quickly, within the first week or two. For others, it may take a bit longer. This will be dependent on various factors and cannot be guessed in advance. However, the more closely you follow the method, the quicker you are likely to see results, and feel better too!

Will I have to give up alcohol/coffee/all chocolate (etc.)?

This is not a diet and you there are no 'SYNS' or anything similar. There are foundational principles and guidance. The more you closely you follow those principles, the quicker the results will be but this programme is here to teach you how to lose the belly fat, and keep it off, whilst also still living and enjoying life. It is not a restrictive process, and is supposed to be a new way of eating and living, not a short term 'FIX.' Diets are miserable, this is not what we want!

Will I feel hungry on this programme?

Very likely quite the opposite. As I said, this is not a diet, and most women who have spent a lifetime dieting and cutting calories are usually extremely and pleasantly surprised that they can get results without feeling hungry! Many women will need to eat MORE (of the right foods) rather than less.

How long do I get access to the course?

You will get access to the course for 'life-time,' meaning as long as the course exists, you'll be able to access it!

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the instant-access nature of the course content, we do not offer refunds for this course. If you have any questions or concerns ahead of purchasing, feel free to email me: support@veevital.com.

Copyright 2023 | Vanessa O’Brien, The Menopause Specialist | Privacy Policy

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there certain foods I have to eat, or have to avoid on this programme?

The recipes are created to make things as easy as possible but there are no 'set' things you have to eat. This programme teaches principles of how to eat to efficiently, gently but effectively to balance your blood sugar, reverse insulin resistance and lose body fat during the peri/menopause years. It is not a 'diet.' There are no foods that you HAVE to eat. There are some that it is advised to remove or cut down on but the choice will always be yours.

Are the meals family friendly and do they take a long time to cook?

There are many family friendly suggestions/recipes, and most meals can be prepared in 20 to 30 minutes.

How quickly will I see results?

For many, you'll see results very quickly, within the first week or two. For others, it may take a bit longer. This will be dependent on various factors and cannot be guessed in advance. However, the more closely you follow the method, the quicker you are likely to see results, and feel better too!

Will I have to give up alcohol/coffee/all chocolate (etc.)?

This is not a diet and you there are no 'SYNS' or anything similar. There are foundational principles and guidance. The more you closely you follow those principles, the quicker the results will be but this programme is here to teach you how to lose the belly fat, and keep it off, whilst also still living and enjoying life. It is not a restrictive process, and is supposed to be a new way of eating and living, not a short term 'FIX.' Diets are miserable, this is not what we want!

Will I feel hungry on this programme?

Very likely quite the opposite. As I said, this is not a diet, and most women who have spent a lifetime dieting and cutting calories are usually extremely and pleasantly surprised that they can get results without feeling hungry! Many women will need to eat MORE (of the right foods) rather than less.

How long do I get access to the course?

You will get access to the course for 'life-time,' meaning as long as the course exists, you'll be able to access it!

Do you offer refunds

Due to the instant-access nature of the course content, we do not offer refunds for this course. If you have any questions or concerns ahead of purchasing, feel free to email me: support@veevital.com.

Copyright 2024 | Vanessa O’Brien, The Menopause Specialist | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions