Picture of The Menopause Specialist


Your Menopause

The Energy + MOJO Recovery Method

A 6 month One-to-One and Group Programme for busy women in their 40s, 50s and 60s who want to ditch soul-destroying fatigue & get their energy and motivation back, and their metabolisms revved up again, so they can return to doing the things they love and feeling like themselves again!

ReVitalise Your Menopause

The Energy + Mood Recovery Method

A 6 month One-to-One and Group Programme for busy women in their 40s, 50s and 60s who want to ditch soul-destroying fatigue, get their energy and motivation back, and their metabolisms revved up again, so they can return to doing the things they love and feeling like themselves again!

Hello Strong, Independent, Woman...

You're a positive, driven female who loves nothing more than living life to the full, both at home and at work!

You still have BIG dreams, and that relies in being active, alive and rolling with life!

Your happiness is found in living life to the fullest, with family and friends...

Hello Strong, Independent, Women...

You're a positive, driven female who loves nothing more than living life to the full, both at home and at work!

You still have BIG dreams, and that relies on being active, alive and rolling with life!

Your happiness is found in living life to the fullest, with family and friends...

But, lately (or maybe for longer)...

But, lately (or maybe

for longer)...

  • You don't have the energy you used to. You go to sleep exhausted, you wake up exhausted, even when you get 8-hours of sleep!

  • Workouts used to leave you feeling energised but now they leave you feeling like a you’ve been hit by a steam train and when you do manage to do them, recovery takes days (or even weeks).

  • You’re worried about your work, and whether a decline in your performance might get noticed, and what that means for your career progression, or even your job security!

  • You can't keep up with your kids, friends or partner and you're finding yourself cancelling plans and spending time on the sofa watching TV rather than doing the things you love.

  • You find yourself cancelling every plan because you're worried that it will affect you for days. Your friends and family are worried (or get irritated by this)

  • Nothing you do seems to make any difference in how you feel. You’re worried that you’ll never be able to get out of this soul-crushing fatigue, and this is now it for the rest of your life!

If you're being honest with yourself...

...it feels like you're on an endless hamster wheel of tiredness and no health food, or supplement or exercise (or even HRT) seems to make a dent in it.

There MUST be another way!

And if something doesn't change? You worry what effect it might have on your work, your family and your relationships!

If you're being honest with yourself...

...it feels like you're on an endless hamster wheel of tiredness and no health food, or supplement or exercise (or even HRT) seems to make a dent in it.

There MUST be another way!

And if something doesn't change? You worry what effect it might have on your work, your family and your relationships!


  • What if...you were able to wake up feeling refreshed, energised and chomping at the bit to start your day..

  • What if...you had as much energy as you wanted to go to the gym, go for a bike ride or whatever you WANT to do, without giving it a second thought...

  • What if...you could ditch the guilt that you feel every time your family asks you to do something and you have to say you can’t...

  • What if…you could finally start making plans again and fill your calendar with trips, adventures and fun activities…

  • What if…you could have the energy that you had in your 20’s again…

....WITHOUT having to use meds you don’t want (or trust will help), a zillion random supplements or end your social life forever?

....WITHOUT having to use meds you don’t want (or trust will help), a zillion random supplements or end your social life forever?


  • Health is SO confusing! Every day there is a new 'perfect' diet approach that everyone is doing and you wonder if this will help (but deep down know it probably won’t!)

  • You're already doing ALL. THE. THINGS !... eating healthily, taking a tonne of expensive supplements, trying to meditate, pushing yourself to exercise...

  • Sadly, our current environment is RIDICULOUSLY toxic and there are all kinds of hidden toxins that are destroying your energy systems

  • Most health influencers recommend generic protocols which don’t look at you as an individual, from research that is done on men and not women (and women are not just tiny men!)

  • Conventional medical doctors do not address the deeper causes of fatigue. And if you’re not in the ‘very sick’ ranges on blood tests, you are told “All is "Normal’... No action required.” But you KNOW deep down that all is NOT normal! So why isn’t it showing up on a blood test? AND why is no one listening?!

Eventually, a lot of women just give up and accept that they are just ‘ageing’ or that it’s ‘part of menopause’ and that’s just how it has to be from now on.

And it’s understandable right? It must be so demoralising to feel so tired, have no motivation to do things you used to love, and be told by a GP that there’s nothing wrong.

They may as well say “it’s all in your head!”

I'm here to tell you that it's NOT all in your head, and it doesn't have to be like this.

There is another way!

And I've been where you are, feeling the ridiculous fatigue ,and the worry of wondering, "will I ever feel normal again?"

In 2021, I realised that none of my previous training as a Nutritional Therapist was going to fix my fatigue, my low moods and my loss of my motivation.

And so I had to go hunting for something that would help!

What I wanted was to have even a 1/4 of the energy I was used to having, all through my life, up until I hit perimenopause and then suddenly lost my Dad.

But I had no idea how. And then one day, whilst looking through a Nutritional Therapists' Facebook Group, I came across a post that changed everything... It was all about minerals and heavy metals, and their effect on energy, moods, metabolism... and a whole lot more!

I had been meaning to look into this particular approach and test for a while but hadn't got round to it. I immediately got to work, testing my minerals and metals and discovered I was SO mineral deficient and very metal toxic (including a tonne of ‘hidden’ copper).

I worked with an expert practitioner trained in this test, and I was finally able to get my energy levels back, and lift my moods off the floor.

I was so amazed by my results that I decided to dive into this test in a BIG WAY, and very soon I was using it to help women just like me (and you), to get the same transformation I'd had.

The Energy + MOJO Recovery Method has helped hundreds of busy, driven women ditch their soul-destroying fatigue and loss of drive and motivation, so they can get back to doing ALL the things that fill up their cup!

And maybe, just maybe, parts of (or all of my) story sounds like yours! If so, I'm here to help!

The Energy + MOJO Recovery Method has helped hundreds of busy, driven women ditch their soul-destroying fatigue and loss of drive and motivation, so they can get back to doing ALL the things that fill up their cup!

And maybe, just maybe, parts of (or all of my) story sounds like yours! If so, I'm here to help!

Where do I start? I had extreme tiredness, moodiness, and sleepless nights. Night sweats too. A plethora of symptoms.

I could just about manage to do my job and nothing else and it was worrying me. I had never experienced tiredness like this before in my life. 

A week or 2 in, I started to notice changes. I started sleeping better, the night sweats started to calm down. And my energy started coming back, which was quite surprising! My mental stability improved greatly over time. And even the weight in my mid-region and hips started to come off, something I hadn’t even focused on. Time went so fast, and I’m so grateful for the programme. I couldn’t have imagined feeling like this. I’m very grateful, thank you so much, Vanessa!

~ Simone Crichelowe

Reading, UK

I used to drag myself out of bed feeling exhausted in the mornings, often not properly getting dressed or even brushing my hair!

I would often have to lie down on the bed at lunch time because I felt so exhausted and heavy. I stopped doing lots of things socially because I felt I had to conserve energy and gradually over time didn’t even really go out of the house much unless I had to.

My life was quite miserable thinking back. I am so grateful that you have been able to help me. I have noticed that I don’t struggle with some things like I used. I have way more energy now especially in the mornings and I am starting to look forward to doing things again.

~ Kate Currie

Surrey, UK

"After hitting menopause, I have struggled with weight loss, no matter what I tried.  In desperation I decided to work with Vanessa and try mineral testing. The results were surprising! ⁣

Vanessa came up with a protocol based on my metabolic type, very different to what I had been doing. ⁣⁣The results have been amazing! I started at 69.4 kilos, and just 6 weeks later, I was 66.3 kilos (having not been able to lose an ounce!).

I also have noticed my energy is better and my moods have improved. Sleep is also improving. I am looking forward to seeing how my minerals have changed when we do another test after 3 months.

~ Anita Washbourn

Surrey, UK


The 6 month 1:1 and Group Programme for busy women in their 40s, 50s and 60s who want to ditch soul-destroying fatigue & get their energy and motivation back, balance their moods, clear their brain fog, and rev up their metabolism again, so they can get back to doing the things they love and feeling the way they SHOULD!


The 6 month 1:1 and Group Programme for busy women in their 40s, 50s and 60s who want to ditch soul-destroying fatigue & get their energy and motivation back, balance their moods, clear their brain fog, and rev up their metabolism again, so they can get back to doing the things they love and feeling the way they SHOULD!

Why This Programme Is Different...

There are VERY few programmes out there for fatigue and a slowing down body, and even fewer for women going through or post menopause. WHY? Because, quite frankly, most practitioners are not trained properly in what causes it! And the ones that are, tend to have very generic approaches (a one size fits all).

They tend to recommend supplements and diets that aren’t tailored to the individual. The ReVitalise Your Menopause programme incorporates lab screening tests that show you exactly why you are struggling with these symptoms, whilst walking you through the easy to follow process, using what I call The Energy + Mood Recovery Method.

This simple method helps you achieve long-term energy AND stable moods by getting to the root of the issue and by addressing your unique imbalances..

There are VERY few programmes out there for fatigue and a slowing down body, and even fewer for women going through or post menopause. WHY? Because, quite frankly, most practitioners are not trained properly in what causes it. And the ones that are, tend to have very generic approaches (a one size fits all).

They tend to recommend supplements and diets that aren’t tailored to the individual. The ReVitalise Your Menopause programme incorporates lab screening tests that show you exactly why you are struggling with these symptoms, whilst walking you through the easy to follow process, using what I call The Energy + Mood Recovery Method.

This simple method helps you achieve long-term energy AND stable moods by getting to the root of the issue and by addressing your unique imbalances..

Why I'm Different

  • I've been in your shoes! I've suffered from extreme fatigue and moods that made it hard to get up in the morning. And (most importantly), I worked out how to reverse it!

  • I've spent the last 3 years dedicated to studying the root causes of fatigue, low moods, brain fog and a slowed down body.

  • I'm trained in Functional Lab Testing so I will be able to uncover the likely root cause of your symptoms

  • I've helped over 300 women, just like you, to resolve their fatigue and other related symptoms

  • I'm 100% results driven - I am deeply committed to your transformation. I will go the extra mile

  • I'll teach you EVERYTHING you need to know and help you implement it in an easy to follow way, so you don't feel overwhelmed

  • I care deeply for you, your struggle and seeing you feel better, as you should!

How ReVitalise Your Menopause Works

There are two options for joining ReVitalise Your Menopause programme... Classic and Premier.

Both programmes last 6 months and whichever option you choose, we start off in exactly the same way.

When you enrol in ReVitalise Your Menopause, we'll start off with targeted mineral testing to uncover what's really driving your fatigue, your mood issues, or your snail’s paced metabolism.

We do this not just once, but twice (once at the start and once 3/4 of the way through the programme, so that we can gauge improvements and tweak accordingly.

I'll analyse your test results, alongside your detailed health and lifestyle questionnaire and food journal, and then walk you through your results on a one-to-one consultation.

Next I'll develop a personalised protocol plan specifically designed to fix your energy systems, recover your motivation and rev up your metabolism.

And from there, I'll move you through the Energy + Mood Recovery Method.

The Energy + Mood Recovery Method follows a series of carefully planned and laid out steps as follows:

STEP 1: Getting Prepared

In Step 1, we get ourselves prepared. Remember: Fail to prepare - Prepare to Fail!

This step gets you ready for what’s ahead, helping you to get yourself ready both on a practical level and from a mindset perspective. Everyone who does this first step tells me how much they love it! You feel motivated and ready for the next steps when you complete this first step!

STEP 2: Balance The Blood Sugar

In Step 2, we get deep on blood sugar control. You'll be amazed at how much things can start to shift just from doing this step, and implementing the suggestions. Many women start to notice improvements in how they feel from implementing the advice in this step. PLUS you’ll find delicious recipes to follow too, to keep things super simple for you. This diet helps pump your body full of energy boosting nutrients so you can start seeing improvement.

STEP 3: Nourish The Body

In Step 3, we look at the nutrients that your body requires in order to function optimally, and produce energy and feel-good-hormones and neuro-transmitters that keep our moods level and high! This means looking at what we call macro and micro nutrients. Everyone finds this step is fascinating! You’ll walk away from this one with such a clearer understanding of what your body needs, and why! And you’ll be taking away actions at the end of this one too!

STEP 4: Happy Hormones

Of course, a menopause programme wouldn’t be complete without a focus on hormones! But whilst we can’t just magically ‘balance our hormones,’ without looking at every other aspect of our health, there are certainly things we can do to help our hormones along the way. You’ll discover these in this step, with great practical tips to implement into your daily routine.

STEP 5: Good Gut Health

You don’t need to have digestive symptoms to have an unhealthy gut. Low energy, low moods and a sluggish or imbalanced gut go hand in hand. In step 2, I’ll show you simple ways to increase your digestive fire so your healthy diet starts working for you and you can start to see increases in your daily energy, vitality and levels of get-up-and-go.

STEP 6: The Energy Systems

In step 5, I’ll help you hack your sleep and stress so you can feel well-rested in the morning and achieve sustainable energy levels throughout the day. We’ll dig into your thyroid and adrenal health in this Step too (your two most important energy glands!). Plus, we’ll dive into relaxation techniques to boost your energy further.

STEP 7: Cleanse and Detox

One of the biggest drivers of fatigue are environmental toxins (and yes, you have them). These toxins mess with our ability to produce energy. In step 7, it’s detox time. I’ll help you gently and safely start to remove these toxins so your cells can start making energy again (and you can start making plans again!)

STEP 8: Serenity Self Care

And finally in Step 8 we’ll look at self-care. By this point you’ll be so ready to implement these strategies (you wouldn’t have been at the start! Everyone loves this last step, it feels SOOOO good when you get to this point!

Let's summarise what you get

1:1 Sessions

Your programme starts with a one-to-one consultation, lasting 50 minutes, so that we can dive into your test results in a deep way together, I can walk you through my analysis of your test results, health questionnaire and food journals, and explain my thoughts and recommendations. Plus, I will answer any questions you have at this stage too.

This session is followed up with a detailed, personalised protocol and recommendations, created just for you.

For those choosing the Premier level programme, we have 3 further one-to-one sessions (4 in total during the 6 month programme)..

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Every week you can hop on a 60 minute Zoom call with your fellow members (and of course me!). I will be there to celebrate your wins, help you work through any challenges and I'll answer your questions that come up as you work your way through the programme. This weekly face-to-face time makes all the different to you success especially if you are someone who needs accountability! If you can't make the calls live, don't worry! They are all recorded and you can submit questions in advance which I will answer on the call for you.

Unlimited Chat Support

Need an accountability partner? Or got a quick question that you want answered asap? I will be standing by on Chat, Monday through Friday. to answer your questions. Come to me with your queries, concerns or challenges and you’re guaranteed to get a response within 1-business day (often a lot sooner!). You are never left hanging!

On top of that, there is also a Group Chat available, for sharing your wins, asking more general questions that everyone can benefit from, and generally connecting with the other ladies in the programme, so you can feel part of a community too! There's nothing like going through a programme with a group of like-minded women, all on a similar journey.

Tests & Analysis

Whether you choose the Classic or Premier level programme, you will receive two mineral tests during their time in the programme - one at the start, and one about 3/4 of the way through. Each test result will then be analysed by me before I share the results and my thoughts and recommendations with you.

In addition, for those with recent blood lab results from their GP, I will also take a look at those too, as part of the programme (both Classic and Premier) and give you my feedback, especially if I spot anything that may not have been flagged by your GP. Remember, your GP is looking for illness/disease, I am also looking at optimal function.

For those choosing the Premier level programme, you will also receive further tests during the programme, which can help us to spot issues, quicker, and speed up results:

GI (stool) test for in depth gut function analysis

This particular GI stool test is the best of its kind and is used to assess your microbiome, and assess imbalances and infections. Gut health and function is paramount to good digestion and eliminating gut symptoms but running this test can help us spot imbalances faster, that may be contributing to symptoms of lethargy, affecting moods, impacting sleep, preventing weight loss and contributing to mood issues. (This test can be replaced by the DUTCH hormone test if more relevant for an individual).

Female Wellness Full Blood Test. This test is the most comprehensive women's blood test on the market, encompassing 58 different health markers. This test allows us to quickly spot issues with hormone imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, metabolic issues, and much more, that may be contributing to symptoms of fatigue, low moods, brain fog, weight loss resistance and much more.

Running both these tests, alongside the foundational mineral testing, can give us quicker, actionable insights and faster results.


The supplements I work with are the highest quality and most absorbable available, and are 100% tailored to YOUR individual needs, based on the results of your mineral tests.

Since switching to these supplements, my clients are seeing quicker results, very often with improved energy and mood within 2 to 4 weeks, compared to previous supplement protocols which took longer.

I am able to uniquely formulate your supplement, choosing the exact nutrients you require, as an individual, in the exact amounts YOU require. Plus, I can include a vast number of nutrients into one easy to take drink or capsules.

For those choosing the Premier Level programme, you will receive a 90 day supply of your tailored supplement included.

PIF Bonus!

To make accessing the programme open to as many as possible, I offer payment plans on both the Classic and Premier Levels. But for those who choose to pay in full, I also offer an extra bonus... a personalised meal plan!

Here's how it works: after you complete a simple form to indicate your dietary preferences—such as your favourite foods, foods you dislike, and preferred cuisines—our team will create a customised two-week meal plan tailored to your personal tastes. Each meal plan comes with detailed, easy-to-follow recipes, ensuring you enjoy delicious, nutritious meals that suit your lifestyle perfectly.

And if one of your goals is to lose weight, this will also be taken into account!

Let's summarise what you get

1:1 Sessions

Your programme starts with a one-to-one consultation, lasting 50 minutes, so that we can dive into your test results in a deep way together, I can walk you through my analysis of your test results, health questionnaire and food journals, and explain my thoughts and recommendations. Plus, I will answer any questions you have at this stage too.

This session is followed up with a detailed, personalised protocol and recommendations, created just for you.

For those choosing the Premier level programme, we have 3 further one-to-one sessions (4 in total during the 6 month programme).

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Every week you can hop on a 60 minute Zoom call with your fellow members (and of course me!). I will be there to celebrate your wins, help you work through any challenges and I'll answer your questions that come up as you work your way through the programme. This weekly face-to-face time makes all the difference to your success, especially if you are someone who needs accountability! If you can't make the calls live, don't worry! They are all recorded and you can submit questions in advance which I will answer on the call for you.

Unlimited Chat Support

Need an accountability partner? Or got a quick question that you want answered asap? I will be standing by on Chat, Monday through Friday. to answer your questions. Come to me with your queries, concerns or challenges and you’re guaranteed to get a response within 1-business day (often a lot sooner!). You are never left hanging!

On top of that, there is also a Group Chat available, for sharing your wins, asking more general questions that everyone can benefit from, and generally connecting with the other ladies in the programme, so you feel part of a community too! There's nothing like going through a programme with a group of like-minded women, all on a similar journey.

Tests and Analysis

Whether you choose the Classic or Premier level programme, you will receive two mineral tests during your time in the programme - one at the very start, and one about 3/4 of the way through. Each test result will then be analysed by me before I share the results and my thoughts and recommendations with you.

In addition, for those with recent blood lab results from their GP, I will also take a look at those too, as part of the programme (both Classic and Premier) and give you my feedback, especially if I spot anything that may not have been flagged by your GP. Remember, your GP is looking for illness/disease, I am also looking at optimal function.

For those choosing the Premier level programme, you will also receive further tests during the programme, which can help us to spot issues, quicker, and speed up results:

GI (stool) test for in depth gut function analysis

This particular GI stool test is the best of its kind and is used to assess your microbiome, and assess imbalances and infections. Gut health and function is paramount to good digestion and eliminating gut symptoms but running this test can help us spot imbalances faster, that may be contributing to symptoms of lethargy, affecting moods, impacting sleep, preventing weight loss and contributing to mood issues. (This test can be replaced by the DUTCH hormone test if more relevant for an individual).

Female Wellness Full Blood Test. This test is the most comprehensive women's blood test on the market, encompassing 58 different health markers. This test allows us to quickly spot issues with hormone imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, metabolic issues, and much more, that may be contributing to symptoms of fatigue, low moods, brain fog, weight loss resistance and much more.

Running both these tests, alongside the foundational mineral testing, can give us quicker, actionable insights and faster results.


The supplements I work with are the highest quality and most absorbable available, and are 100% tailored to YOUR individual needs, based on the results of your mineral tests.

Since switching to these supplements, my clients are seeing quicker results, very often with improved energy and mood within 2 to 4 weeks, compared to previous supplement protocols which took longer.

I am able to uniquely formulate your supplement, choosing the exact nutrients you require, as an individual, in the exact amounts YOU require. Plus, I can include a vast number of nutrients into one easy to take drink or capsules.

For those choosing the Premier Level programme, you will receive a 90 day supply of your tailored supplement included.

PIF Bonus!

To make accessing the programme open to as many as possible, I offer payment plans on both the Classic and Premier Levels. But for those who choose to pay in full, I also offer an extra bonus... a personalised meal plan!

Here's how it works: after you complete a simple form to indicate your dietary preferences—such as your favourite foods, foods you dislike, and preferred cuisines—our team will create a customised two-week meal plan tailored to your personal tastes. Each meal plan comes with detailed, easy-to-follow recipes, ensuring you enjoy delicious, nutritious meals that suit your lifestyle perfectly.

And if one of your goals is to lose weight, this will also be taken into account!


The Revitalise Your Menopause programme has different levels and options, and includes payment plans for those who prefer or need to pay monthly.

The 'Classic' Programme starts from £415 per month (4 monthly payments) or £1499 pay in full. The 'Premier' Programme is £3499 (split payment option available on request).

If this is out of your budget, but you are keen to work with me to explore mineral balance, I also offer a Mineral Balancing Package, which focuses on minerals and blood sugar control. This package is £699 (split payment option is available for those who need to).

The Mineral Balance Package is not open for enrolment all of the time, but rather, every few months. If you'd like to find out more about the package and whether enrolment is open, email me at support@veevital.com or message me on Instagram or Facebook (@themenopausespecialist).

N.B the package is not suitable for everyone. If you are on multiple medications, have a complex health history or diagnosed with certain illnesses, you would need to work with me over the 6 month period. I can let you know this when we speak, so it's best to book a call so that we can discuss options.

Client Success Story

Leigh had zero energy and often fell asleep at her desk in the afternoons. She had brain fog, dizziness, and hot and cold sweats. She was on meds for acid reflux, high blood pressure and depression. And she had recently been told she was pre-diabetic.

Leigh is only 50 but she told me she felt like 90!

We discovered that Leigh had many imbalances in her mineral status and ratio balance. She was severely lacking in some minerals yet some were excessively high and this was underlying her exhaustion, her brain fog and the dizzy spells.

After just 3 months Leigh's energy was back, her brain fog lifted and she no longer had dizzy spells. She no longer had acid reflux, and was able to slowly come off her antidepressants. She was able to reduce her blood pressure tablets too. Her blood sugar levels came down and she came out of the danger zone for pre-diabetes.

And although Leigh didn’t follow this for weight loss, she did need to lose some weight and lost over a stone over the 3 months, without even trying!

~ Leigh Doyle, Cambridge, U.K.

Client Success Story

Julie was on the floor both physically and emotionally when she joined ReVitalise Your Menopause.

A difficult time with hormones mixed with life stress had taken it out of her. She struggled with a mixture of extremely low energy, fluctuating moods and anxiety.

After working with me, this is what Julie said:

"Vanessa's knowledge and approach to my recovery journey has been outstanding and she has educated and supported my slow return to myself again.

I would wholeheartedly recommend this programme to everyone as it is unique to your own vitality requirements. Great value for money and that all important investment in yourself! Thank you Vee”

~ Julie Clarke, Cheshire, U.K.

Who Is This Programme For?

  • Busy professional/career/business women and homemakers, who are in their 40s, 50s or 60s, and in the throws of later stage perimenopause or post menopause

  • Women who are looking for a holistic solution to solving their fatigue and snail's pace body and brain, that is based on science, and how energy production in the body actually works!

  • Women who are looking for a long-term solution to their energy problems

  • Women interested in their health and longevity

Who Is This Programme For?

  • Busy professional/career/business women, and homemakers, who are in their 40s, 50s or 60s, and in the throws of later stage perimenopause or post menopause

  • Women who are looking for a holistic solution to solving their fatigue and snail's pace body and brain, that is based on science, and how energy production in the body actually works!

  • Women who are looking for a long-term solution to their energy problems

  • Women interested in their health and longevity

Who Is This Programme NOT For?

  • Women who are looking for a quick fix (healing your energy and rebalancing your body is a process and can take time)

  • Women who are looking for drugs or prescriptions to fix their fatigue (I’m not a licensed doctor, so I can’t, and don’t wish to, prescribe drugs. Plus they don't work for these kinds of symptoms, anyway)

  • Women who aren’t usually action takers. It’s understandable if your drive has temporarily gone, due to feeling bad, but you do need to follow the advice and recommendations if you want to feel better

  • Women who are fixated solely with weight loss. Whilst this programme is great at helping women lose weight, if your focus isn’t health first, this isn’t going to be the programme for you.

If you want to experience all-day energy, deeper more restful sleep, balanced moods, a healthy of motivation and to live life to the full, again then ReVitalise Your Menopause is the perfect place for you to start!

If you want to experience all-day energy, deeper more restful sleep, balanced moods, a healthy level of motivation, and to live life to the full, again then ReVitalise Your Menopause is the perfect place for you to start!

Let's re-cap on what support get when you join ReVitalise Your Menopause

  • ReVitalise Your Menopause Programme, step by step content (lifetime access so you can revisit it whenever you feel the desire to)

  • Unlimited Chat Support (6 months access) so that you are never left wondering what to do next, or with burning questions that need answering

  • Fortnightly Accountability Check-ins/Group Coaching calls*so we can chat face to face and I can coach you through any queries or blocks

  • 2 X Mineral and Heavy Metals Tests (included), with full (video) recorded analysis, and step by step personalised protocol, with recommendations to follow

  • Lifetime access to the Energy + Mood Recovery Method (Course Content)

Are you ready to leave the soul-destroying fatigue, slowed down metabolism and lack of motivation behind and start experiencing the energy and drive you did in your 20’s, with ReVitalise Your Menopause?

Let’s ditch that life-affecting low energy once and for all and do this together right now!

Book your exploratory call now!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the program start?

The programme enrolment is limited to specific times throughout the year. When we speak I will let you know the next enrolment date.

Do I get access to the programme content after the 6 months?

Absolutely! You have lifetime access, meaning as long as the programme exists, you’ll get access to it.

What if I miss a live call?

I got you covered! All group coaching calls are recorded and streamed into the Facebook group so you can catch the recording of the live call any time. You can also submit questions in advance, if you can't make it and I'll address your question on the live call so you can catch the recording!

What type of testing do you do?

In the standard ReVitalise Your Menopause Programme, we run mineral and heavy metals testing, twice, once at the very start, and then 3/4 of the way through so that we can gauge improvements and changes, and adjust the protocol accordingly. These tests are included for everyone. With the VIP upgrade option, further functional testing can be added on, including full blood chemistry, thyroid blood testing, DUTCH hormones testing, and GI (gastrointestinal) stool testing. And if you have recent copies of any of these tests already, I will also happily analyse these for you too, in the VIP option.

How long before I’m likely to see results?

This depends on how out of balance your body is, your mineral status etc. But as a guide, most women start to notice improvements within a few weeks of starting their protocol. And these improvements are incremental and happen continuously, as your body starts to adjust to the changes.

What is the success rate of the programme?

The success rate is excellent... for those who do the work! As with anything, you get out what you put in. Those who show up, do the work, and implement the recommendations get the best results. But overall, the success rate is very high, for those wanting to recover their energy, mojo, metabolism etc.

How does the payment work?

This detailed, fully supported 6 month programme requires a low 4 figures investment. You’ll have the option to pay in full or access one of the generous payment plans. Simply book a call and we can discuss the payment option that works best for your financial situation.

Do you offer refunds?

You are entitled to a refund within 24 hours of signing up, which allows you to take a look around the programme, and my approach, and make sure you are entirely happy.

In addition, if you are not satisfied that you have achieved the results you hoped for at the start of the programme, you are able to extend your time within the programme for up to 3 months. You'll have to demonstrate that you have done all the work, attended the calls etc, but if this is the case, I will happily extend, for those who genuinely have done the work but not got the results they wanted. I WANT you to succeed!

How do I know you are the real deal?

I was asked recently "how do I know that you won't take my money and run off with it?" :) So I thought I'd answer this here in case it is an issue for anyone else. I work through a limited company and I am a registered Nutritional Therapist with the Naturopathic Nutrition Association. You can check both of these facts. I spend a lot of time creating content on my area of expertise, and have a tonne of real client testimonials (with names and often photos). If you have any further concerns, please just ask.

Copyright 2023 | Vanessa O’Brien, The Menopause Specialist | Privacy Policy

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the programme start?

The programme enrolment is limited to specific times throughout the year . When we speak I will let you know the next enrolment date.

Do I get access to the programme content after the 6 months?

Absolutely! You have lifetime access, meaning as long as the programme exists, you’ll get access to it.

What if I miss a live call?

I got you covered! All group coaching calls are recorded and streamed into the Facebook group so you can catch the recording of the live call any time. You can also submit questions in advance, if you can't make it and I'll address your question on the live call so you can catch the recording!

What type of testing do you do?

In the standard ReVitalise Your Menopause Programme, we run mineral and heavy metals testing, twice, once at the very start, and then 3/4 of the way through so that we can gauge improvements and changes, and adjust the protocol accordingly. These tests are included for everyone. With the VIP upgrade option, further functional testing can be added on, including full blood chemistry, thyroid blood testing, DUTCH hormones testing, and GI (gastrointestinal) stool testing. And if you have recent copies of any of these tests already, I will also happily analyse these for you too, in the VIP option.

How long before I’m likely to see results?

This depends on how out of balance your body is, your mineral status etc. But as a guide, most women start to notice improvements within a few weeks of starting their protocol. And these improvements are incremental and happen continuously, as your body starts to adjust to the changes.

What is the success rate of the programme?

The success rate is excellent... for those who do the work! As with anything, you get out what you put in. Those who show up, do the work, and implement the recommendations get the best results. But overall, the success rate is very high, for those wanting to recover their energy, motivation, metabolism etc.

How does the payment work?

This detailed, fully supported 6 month programme requires a low 4 figures investment. You’ll have the option to pay in full or access one of the generous payment plans. Simply book a call and we can discuss the payment option that works best for your financial situation.

Do you offer refunds?

You are entitled to a refund within 24 hours of signing up, which allows you to take a look around the programme, and my approach, and make sure you are entirely happy.

In addition, if you are not satisfied that you have achieved the results you hoped for at the start of the programme, you are able to extend your time within the programme for up to 3 months. You'll have to demonstrate that you have done all the work, attended the calls etc, but if this is the case, I will happily extend, for those who genuinely have done the work but not got the results they wanted. I WANT you to succeed!

How do I know you are the real deal?

I was asked recently "how do I know that you won't take my money and run off with it?" :)
So I thought I'd answer this here in case it is an issue for anyone else. I work through a limited company and I am a registered Nutritional Therapist with the Naturopathic Nutrition Association. You can check both of these facts. I spend a lot of time creating content on my area of expertise, and have a tonne of real client testimonials (with names and often photos). If you have any further concerns, please just ask.

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